Ministry in Russia

June 25, 2021 Update

            Russia has had her borders closed to tourists from most countries, including the US. I keep looking every day to see when US citizens will be allowed to apply for a visa and travel there again. It does not look like it will be possible to hold a Pastors conference there this year, but as soon as I can travel there I will return to make plans for the new seminary we are starting and for the next conference. The visa application process is detailed and time consuming for religious workers (which is a necessity for us who preach or teach there). I am eager to return there on my 36th mission trip to that nation. Please pray that a wide and effective door for the gospel will be opened there soon.
            With all the troubles in the world (including the US), we are thankful at CPI that we have been training indigenous pastors to carry on the work of evangelizing the nations during such times as these.  


Feb 2020 Update

Dr. Dewey Roberts will be traveling to Russia on April 21 and returning on May 2, 2020. The first session of the newly formed Reformed Theological Seminary of Moscow will be held. Dewey will be teaching the first two books of John Calvin’s monumental The Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvin’s Institutes is not technically a systematic theology though it covers most of the subjects of theology. But this book is translated into Russian and is, therefore, a great introduction to systematic theology. Moreover, it has advantages over many other theological books in that it was written to instruct average Christians in the basic truths of the Scripture. Calvin did not write in the scholastic manner which tended to instruct the mind and leave the heart cold. That is one of the weaknesses of all the other systematic theologies written since Calvin’s days. I think that is why reformed churches have been especially prone to produce leaders who are theologically accurate but spiritually immature. Calvin’s Institutes was written to address both the mind and the heart at the same time. For that reason, there are parts of the Institutes that have been lifted and made into smaller books. For instance, The Golden Booklet on the Christian Life is taken from the Institutes, but it reads like a great, but simple devotional book. If you have never read that book, you should find it and devour it. Please pray for the first students to this seminary and this first intensive course.


2019 Update

Dewey Roberts made two trips to Russia. The first trip in May was to meet with the Board of Trustees of the new seminary to be started in Moscow. The first class will be held May 4-8, 2020 with an intensive course on systematic theology which will be taught by Dr. Roberts. The second trip in September was for the annual Russian Reformed Pastors Conference with four speakers. The conference was attended by 140 people and has become very popular with Russian pastors.